Wash n' Woo & Co

The Groomery


 Most smaller pet appointments are completed in under 2 hrs.  Larger pets and breed specific grooms may take up to 4-5hours.

  Please ask you stylist for an estimated pick up time as holding room at the Groomery is limited.


Pricing estimates are based on pet size, style/length & coat condition, temperament, and the grooming schedule maintained

Please call  267-405-1151 for your individual estimate.

(Prices adjusted annually on January 31 reflecting the previous year's CPI )


The Groomery Cleanse

(bathing service includes minimal trimming of hair.)


With the exception of under 25 lb very smooth coated pets,

most small to medium/large size pets start at $65-$95 and large $110


Standard Poodle size curly coated breeds typically ranging in the $115-$150


Large Double coated Newfoundland/Great pyr and giant Nordic type coats start at $150+


The Groomery Style

includes all services in the Groomery Cleanse, plus the hairstyle of choice.


Full body haircuts start at $83

Standard poodle sized curly or mixed coats ranging in the $130-$250 range.



Full scissored haircuts to trim up all over on extra large dogs $200+










Please call for quotes on specialized services such as hand stripping or cording estimates